A few comments from SK participants and readers of the SK book:

Excerpt from a college student: “Obviously, after reading the “Silent Knight” I can see where this generosity steams from. In short, the book touched me in a certain way that I can’t really describe. In many ways most of the characters in the story seemed hauntingly familiar. I think that this book is a must read for any young man, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to have experienced it.”
From a 59-year-old Squire desiring membership in the Order who answered this request for assistance and a previous one almost identical: “I have another young lady who is need. She is a tennis and softball player whose mother is out of work on disability. Her grandparents bought her letterman’s jacket for her but everything else she tries to work for. She was employed in the “YES” program this summer which is city program to employ children of parents who are low income. She likes to be involved in school activities but cannot afford the cost. She came to me to ask if she could come to the football game at halftime and get in free. I asked why she would wait until halftime, and she replied that she could not afford the ticket. Asked if she had a student season pass card and she said that she only has $2 to her name and there was no way she could buy a card. I think she would be ecstatic if we could get one for her. Thank you.”
From a person witnessing a SILENT KNIGHT random act of charity: “I feel badly…we, Mrs. JOHN DOE, myself, and an employee who is related to this student, just presented her with her gift and it was such a wonderful presentation that I feel sorry that you don’t get to experience them. I can tell you that she was extremely appreciative. She asked if she could write you a thank you and I told her that you were not looking for thanks. I did, however, tell her that since she doesn’t know who did this wonderful deed for her she will have to treat every community member she sees as if he/she was the “silent knight.” In other words, I am telling kids that their gratitude is most appropriately displayed in acts of kindness toward others. Thank you very much for your generosity… you have already made an impact on our students.”
From a Baptist Preacher: “I have been a preacher for almost 50 years, and I haven’t read a Christian book that moved me more than SILENT KNIGHT.”
From a Templar SILENT KNIGHT: “This program is the most Christ-like charity I have known.”
From an Army LTC in Germany: “I had to tell you that I am a better man for having read the SILENT KNIGHT.”
From a senior Army Colonel that encountered a SILENT KNIGHT recipient: “Mrs JOHN DOE was pestering me about who the SILENT KNIGHT is, and I told her I had heard about the program but couldn’t tell her who had [performed the random act of charity]. What I do know is that if this is what SILENT KNIGHT is about, I want to be part of it.”
A random act of charity: In an office environment, one employee knew a SILENT KNIGHT and asked if a certain employee could be helped. It turned out that many of the office workers had learned about the SILENT KNIGHT and witnessed a few random acts of charity… they all contributed to the needs of their fellow employee using a SILENT KNIGHT card provided by the SILENT KNIGHT. This resulted in many being blessed by the experience and a deeper bond between the employees in the office.
Sea story: One of our SILENT KNIGHTS is aboard a Navy ship and has reported numerous random acts of charity he and other shipmates have performed. This has generated much interest in the Templars and a desire among others to join our effort.
THE SILENT KNIGHT, 154 Overlook Rd, Martinsburg, PA 16662