In Honor of all the Silent Knights across the many lands of man.

Chivalry did not die with the good knights of old, for among us today walks those new Knights, with hearts of hidden gold.
Armor clad they need not be, nor many does one ever see, but their presence across all the lands of man will be known through their noble but humble acts and charitable deeds.
History may have dealt them a near fatal blow, but from just a surviving few, grew a revival of their honored Order, into a new world of the neediest of mankind.
Now these Brothers and Sisters of the Cross of Christ, seek to carry upon their shoulders the new burden of His Cross and that of the neediest of His Lands.
They seek not accolades for their good deeds, finding solace in the knowledge of their sacrifice and a job well done, glorifies only the Lord’s name.
Seek not these Silent Knights of the Lord’s Cross to stand out from the common man, for each day these Knights walk among you, seeking those to help have a better day.
Through sometimes but a single act or deed, they help one and often many in need, their sacrifice to help the Lord’s Many is their chosen chivalrous way.
They are the Silent Knights of Christ, and you may, when in need one day you may hear one say, In but our Lord’s Name alone be given the glory of our intervention on this His and your most glorious day.
Yours in Service,
Chev. Raymond L. Morehead KTJ, FSA Scot
THE SILENT KNIGHT, 154 Overlook Rd, Martinsburg, PA 16662